Booking a Sport Psychology Session: FAQ
Why would I need a sport psychologist?
There are many reasons athletes come to see a sport psychologist. You do not need to have a “problem” with your performance. One of the most common reasons athletes seek out sport psychology is performance enhancement. Every athlete needs to learn key skills to meet the
psychological demands of their sport. Other reasons for attendance include: competitive anxiety, confidence issues, injury, retirement, coach concerns and stress. Basically anything that impacts your sport can be the subject of a session.
Can my coach be involved?
It is up to you. For some, it is enough their coach is aware they are seeing a sport psychologist.Others want their coach present for a session. Some have circumstances where they wish to keep their attendance confidential.
Will my sessions be covered by health care?
No, Alberta Health Care does not cover the cost of a Registered Psychologist.
Can my sessions be covered by insurance?
Yes. Depending on your plan, Blue Cross does offer coverage for Registered Psychologists. Employee Assistance Programs also usually offer coverage; please contact your human resources representative. Sport Psychology services are a psychological service if offered by a licensed Psychologist. The mental skills you will learn will serve you in your sport- and life.
What if I need to discuss my sport and other issues going on in my life- can you help me with both?
Yes, we can discuss both. If for any reason I believe you need to see someone outside of my speciality area, I will make sure you have an appropriate referral.
Do I need a doctor’s referral to come and see you?
Not unless you’re insurance company requires. You can refer yourself by simply calling or filling out the intake form.
How long will I need to come?
The number of sessions required will depend upon your goals and the presenting problem. At the end of the initial session, we will discuss your requirements.
What about confidentiality?
All information will be confidential with the following exceptions:
1. If a Release of Information has been signed to a specific person or persons with regard to specific information. (For example, your family physician)
2. If, in the professional opinion of the psychologist, there is a potential for harm to self or others.
3. If there is a legal or statutory obligation to report (as in cases of child abuse).
4. If the psychologist is legally required by a court of law to testify, submit a report orrelease records.
What happens in the first session?
The first session is an assessment of your situation. We will discuss your current concerns and collect the relevant information so I can inform you about how we might proceed. We will set a clear goal or focus for your counselling, and establish a time line for our work together.
At what age can my child benefit from sport psychology?
A minimum age of 10 is usually recommended. Sport psychology will be different depending on the developmental needs of the child.
Will I attend sessions with my child?
I usually prefer that a parent is present for part of the first session, so we can establish expectations. The younger the child, the more likely a parent is to be part of the consulting process. Depending upon the presenting concerns, a parent may also need to modify their rolewith their child athlete and therefore need a session of their own. We will discuss your situation at the first session, and make the appropriate decision.
If my child attends alone, do I have a right to information about their session?
The parent or guardian of anyone under 18 does have legal access to information about a child’s psychological services. My preference is to discuss how we will handle this matter with the child and parent in the first session. There needs to be a balance between the child’s privacy and parental involvement. This is usually easily negotiated, and gives the child a sense of empowerment in their own process.
If you have any other questions, please don’t hesitate to contact me by phone 403.283.5525 or email april@bodymindmotion.com
Why would I need a sport psychologist?
There are many reasons athletes come to see a sport psychologist. You do not need to have a “problem” with your performance. One of the most common reasons athletes seek out sport psychology is performance enhancement. Every athlete needs to learn key skills to meet the
psychological demands of their sport. Other reasons for attendance include: competitive anxiety, confidence issues, injury, retirement, coach concerns and stress. Basically anything that impacts your sport can be the subject of a session.
Can my coach be involved?
It is up to you. For some, it is enough their coach is aware they are seeing a sport psychologist.Others want their coach present for a session. Some have circumstances where they wish to keep their attendance confidential.
Will my sessions be covered by health care?
No, Alberta Health Care does not cover the cost of a Registered Psychologist.
Can my sessions be covered by insurance?
Yes. Depending on your plan, Blue Cross does offer coverage for Registered Psychologists. Employee Assistance Programs also usually offer coverage; please contact your human resources representative. Sport Psychology services are a psychological service if offered by a licensed Psychologist. The mental skills you will learn will serve you in your sport- and life.
What if I need to discuss my sport and other issues going on in my life- can you help me with both?
Yes, we can discuss both. If for any reason I believe you need to see someone outside of my speciality area, I will make sure you have an appropriate referral.
Do I need a doctor’s referral to come and see you?
Not unless you’re insurance company requires. You can refer yourself by simply calling or filling out the intake form.
How long will I need to come?
The number of sessions required will depend upon your goals and the presenting problem. At the end of the initial session, we will discuss your requirements.
What about confidentiality?
All information will be confidential with the following exceptions:
1. If a Release of Information has been signed to a specific person or persons with regard to specific information. (For example, your family physician)
2. If, in the professional opinion of the psychologist, there is a potential for harm to self or others.
3. If there is a legal or statutory obligation to report (as in cases of child abuse).
4. If the psychologist is legally required by a court of law to testify, submit a report orrelease records.
What happens in the first session?
The first session is an assessment of your situation. We will discuss your current concerns and collect the relevant information so I can inform you about how we might proceed. We will set a clear goal or focus for your counselling, and establish a time line for our work together.
At what age can my child benefit from sport psychology?
A minimum age of 10 is usually recommended. Sport psychology will be different depending on the developmental needs of the child.
Will I attend sessions with my child?
I usually prefer that a parent is present for part of the first session, so we can establish expectations. The younger the child, the more likely a parent is to be part of the consulting process. Depending upon the presenting concerns, a parent may also need to modify their rolewith their child athlete and therefore need a session of their own. We will discuss your situation at the first session, and make the appropriate decision.
If my child attends alone, do I have a right to information about their session?
The parent or guardian of anyone under 18 does have legal access to information about a child’s psychological services. My preference is to discuss how we will handle this matter with the child and parent in the first session. There needs to be a balance between the child’s privacy and parental involvement. This is usually easily negotiated, and gives the child a sense of empowerment in their own process.
If you have any other questions, please don’t hesitate to contact me by phone 403.283.5525 or email april@bodymindmotion.com